Let's talk about the elephant in the room: The Storj economic model (node operator payout model)

Amazon Backblaze Storj
Latency 10 9 5
Large files throughput 9 8 10
Small files throughput 8 8 2
General parallelism 8 7 10
Geo-redundancy 3 1 10
Encryption/ Privacy 5 5 10
43 38 47

Trying to come up with a sort of comparison then. Tried to pick the winner in each and put others in relation to it. Small files are the exception, as I believe there is always room to improve on transfer of small files :stuck_out_tongue:
I omitted the price cause it would require more number-crunching than I am willing to do. It’s somewhat embedded in the geo-redundancy though. Redundancy means caching as well, but let’s assume it’s embedded there too.

General parallelism - for Storj it’s obvious; for others I meant that they are able to deliver multiple files in parallel through their fast and multiple fibers

Geo-redundancy - Storj has built-in; they have, but at a cost. Though I think that Amazon is not charging 100% more, as Backblaze does, for each copy and is automated, right?

Encryption/Privacy - this is clearly from privacy perspective, not just safety; if notes in my head are correct, I think that Amazon or Backblaze could still decrypt your data if government asked politely, right? In Storj this should not be possible, though what about the uploads via Gateway MT?

How far from reality my values are? :smiley:

Why even this comparison? So I know what’s the place of Storj on the market, what’s the growth potential based on it, what obvious dangers there are. This plus the price for SNOs would let me decide if I see myself as an Operator in the future.

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