Log file- every month new log file

Logrotate is still the answer to everything.

Logrotate can move the content of a logfile into an archive folder even if the logfile is still in use by another process.

Logrotate can limit the history and delete the oldest files.

Logrotate is available for windows. Or you take the full package and activate “Windows subsystem for linux”

Yes logrotate is the answer but it is not configured by default so you have to either explain how to do it in your docs or it just won’t be active and the file will grow indefinitely

I am open to that idea. Just ask which setup you want to have and we can write down the config for that. At the end we can copy that into our documentation. I like that idea. I have the feeling that it is not the target in this thread. That is why I am just waiting until someone asks the magic question instead of complaining about logrotate and hope that we would implement a replacement for it.