Mistake on the website

We don’t own or operate a single data center. Instead, we takes advantage of our massive global network of Storage Nodes made by people like you who contribute their extra resources.

Should be we take not we takes


Thank you! I notified the team.

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@andrew2.hart Could you please post the url of the webpage where you found this typo?

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And for those who like search engine tricks, I searched for:

site:storj.io "We don’t own or operate a single data center. Instead, we takes advantage of our massive global network of Storage Nodes made by people like you who contribute their extra resources."

Using site: to limit it to a domain. (can also be part of a domain, I frequently use site:.nl to find only Dutch sites)
Adding double quotes around the text to tell it to search for exactly what’s inside the quotes.


This typo has been fixed.