More Bandwidth used than allowed

I don’t run anything else on it. I’ll just give the computer away. What should I do about shutting down?

please describe your setup better.

It is Dedicated PC run only node?
Connected to network by wire? or WIFI?
windows 10, OK
CPU utilisation on PC?

If Storj ever needs copy writers or editors, let me know. I feel like I just spent three days on this, completely confused and scared what could happen to my identity, internet. Sad but I’ll move on. I dont have time to learn computer languages.

you do not need to lern programming, when it setuped OK, then once a day can whatch that it working thats all. If there is problems you always can get help here.
SO your Setup describe?

This is very hard since I cannot access my own internet to give details.

8MB RAM, 1TB drive, windows 10

does it show somewhere how much speed it takes?

Open up task manager on the Windows 10 computer and go to the performance tab. We need to see how busy the CPU, Network and Disk is. This will help us understand better what is going on.

Sorry, I have to take pics and use 4G

You look fine as your not maxing anything out right now your cpu and hard drive seem to be happy nothing is stressing it at the moment. You data is 848MB*H so your pretty much right where we’d expect you to be.

My ISP said it’s my router. Fiber is going to exchange my boxes for a new one. Is my down time bad?

It’s rebooting every 5 min.

Does it matter that the router has a 2TB hard drive? I have no internet in my house since installation. I have repair people coming.

Im a bit confused the screen shot you showed said your node is online.?

the devices from your google fiber gateway to the NIC on your computer need to be certified 1Gb. I bet you may have a 100Mb device in between somewhere. Or, and unclassified cable (CAT 5e or greater for 1Gb)

I should rephrase. I had no access to internet but yes, the node was running. My ISP router was flashing down as well. The only thing working or had access was the node. I quickly went to exchange routers with my ISP who told me mine was a slightly older version and had a hardware problem (from their backend view). When I hooked everything back up I did not have internet. I’ve been told other people are out too. Happened one other time in 10 years I’ve lived here. I’ll wait to get a connection back.

please check your PCs dont have same IP addres or same MAC.
I have seen some time ago something like this.

I have restored Internet and restarted node but it says offline. I will work on that part now. Last time it came on by itself after saying offline for a while.

It should go online instant
Of you got a new router you have to open port for the storagenode again