Hey @shirkhan1981 , sorry for the kind of cold reception. I know everyone who has responded so far is usually quite welcoming to new people, but you seem to have hit a nerve. Maybe they overlooked this above your post.
Anyway, welcome to the forum!
Yes, what you are suggesting (or any other blockchain you can think of really) has been suggested many times. The thing is that none of the blockchains really solve the issue of transaction costs, their limits are just further away because they are less popular. You read a lot about ETH and transaction fee issues because that’s what pretty much everyone uses. And for good reason. No other developer community can match ETH, which comes with a lot of upsides. Storj Labs is committed to ETH for this reason and more. Switching blockchains will either mean you end up on a less popular blockchain which makes it harder for customers and node operators to use and has less of an active developer community or you end up being lucky and picking the blockchain of the future, which will then be overloaded and run into the exact same issues as pretty much all of them have their limits as well.
The ethereum roadmap actually has a lot of promising developments to alleviate the scaling issues it’s facing. Rollups being one of them. Right now the best approach is to use that instead of taking a gamble on a less proven blockchain.
Before this Storj Labs used SJCX which was a counterparty token on the bitcoin blockchain. This ran into scaling issues and as a result the move to Ethereum was made. And we all know where that ended up.
So… there’s the full response. Please forgive the kind people who responded before me for being a little cold and dismissive. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that this discussion has come up over and over again on the forum with the same response every time. That can get a little tiring. But I hope you find your way around the search feature to find existing topics next time. And in the mean time, welcome to the forum!