Moving to another country: how to prevent from being disqualified?

Thanks Alexey!
Actually, I don’t think my node will be offline that long. In the worst case scenario, it should be offline for about few weeks (time to take a flight, move into new home, get a new Internet subscription).
I have other questions:

  • By reading you, I understand that graceful exit isn’t possible yet. So what if my node is off for few weeks? What will be the impacts for my node and reputation?
  • I am think about moving the node to another place (a friend or a sibling) and then moving data through rsync (as described in this post). But I am a little bit lost on what we can do with 1 Authorization token:
    - Can I use the same Authorization token to host several nodes behind the same IP?
    - Can use the same Authorization token to host several nodes with different IPs?
    - If one of these nodes (behind the same IP or not) is offline or has a bad reputation, will it affect other nodes reputation?

Thanks again for your help!