My Storagenode service wont start on Windows 10

Each node must have an own signed identity, please, do not clone the existing one.

So I think I may have the answer for this question about the service not starting and terminating unexpectedly when using a network drive… you cant use x:<shared name><foldername during the windows startup you have to use the full map name \<share name><folder name>

so not x:\storj\storjdata but \supercompute\storj\storjdata

Hope this helps


The issue with using SMB is not whether you use a mounted drive letter or a UNC path. It’s that locking for the SQLite databases used doesn’t work reliably over SMB no matter how you use it, which can lead to database corruption.

Your suggestion may solve a different issue, but it doesn’t solve this. I’d stay away from this method.

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