No bandwidth usage since update to 1.1.1


  1. stop the storagenode
  2. make a backup of satellites.db
  3. Execute either with a native sqlite3 or with a docker container (take a look on for reference):
sqlite3 satellites.db
CREATE TABLE satellite_exit_progress (
                                                satellite_id BLOB NOT NULL,
                                                initiated_at TIMESTAMP,
                                                finished_at TIMESTAMP,
                                                starting_disk_usage INTEGER NOT NULL,
                                                bytes_deleted INTEGER NOT NULL,
                                                completion_receipt BLOB,
                                                PRIMARY KEY (satellite_id)
CREATE TABLE versions (version int, commited_at text);
CREATE TABLE satellites (
                                                node_id BLOB NOT NULL,
                                                added_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
                                                status INTEGER NOT NULL,
                                                PRIMARY KEY (node_id)
  1. Try to start storagenode
  2. Look into your logs for errors