The last bloom filters that I was were from EU1 and Saltlake as well. I think yesterday or the day before yesterday I saw some on some of my nodes.
Last US1 bloom filters was date 10th of January.
Are TTL deletions working?
The last bloom filters that I was were from EU1 and Saltlake as well. I think yesterday or the day before yesterday I saw some on some of my nodes.
Last US1 bloom filters was date 10th of January.
Are TTL deletions working?
You tell me
I do not have a lot of TTL data seems, the usage is constantly but slowly growing.
You may check the directory storage/piece_expirations/
it has files related to TTL, each date is when it should expire.
Still no bloom filters from SLC, AP1 and US1 here. What is going on? Why is there no useful information given to SNOs?
As long as payouts are accurate (and they have been), I don’t stress about flakey reporting.
But I guess someone, somewhere, may have filled their drive with data-they-don’t-know-is-trash-yet, so their node has stopped accepting uploads. So they want that bloom filter to clean out more space they can be paid for. There are probably very few unlucky SNOs like that.
I’d love to have a full drive. If I’m lucky… one day one of those unlucky nodes could be me!
I don’t care about unpaid trash. Our storj investments will never ROI anyway…
Just asking for better communication. In case of such disruptions there should be something like a service email or a web page to inform SNOs.
This site has been a great source of info, like for outages and maintenace. (That Alexey already posted in this thread)
It doesn’t matter how much info they provide. Someone will always ask for more. And ignore it
This site is made for cloud custumers. It holds little to zero information for SNOs.
This looks like it is working for US1.
Because this will be fixed and go on. It’s not a disruption in the service.
My nodes received a BF from two satellites on 2025-01-23, please check your logs.
Seems the US1 satellite is missed the window, tomorrow is a second part of migration:
It looks like bloom filters started going out around an hour ago? A lot of space seems to be getting reclaimed right now…
Let the bloodbath begin?
Yeah, seems like they did it…
My US1 bloom filter just finished processing. About 12% of the stored data for that satellite was moved into the trash.
315.65GB in the trash from 8.43TB used.
Around 6% so far but still ongoing…
Around 10% so far and still ongoing
After all said and done averaged around -6.5% storage across my nodes, but netted +18% in this past month so not complaining!
8.5% now. Still deleting.
US1 seems to be on track again but how about AP1? Can’t remember when I have seen a bloom filter from that satellite. Is it alive?