Hello, thanks for all the answers. I’ve now done it the way daki82 said. The HDD is already formatted to nfts standard size, wait until it is fully transferred and then I will report back. Already on the backup (nfts, same HDD as the node) it only showed 265gb for everything, so it will definitely work
Bei so großen platten ist das das minimum. windows 11 bietet keine 4k an bei 20TB. @Alexey no, you are wrong!
Habe auch selber getested.
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Wie ich bereits mehrfach erläutert habe, gibt es für mich kein alternatives OS zu Windows.
It worked as described by daki82, I used the standard size for NTFS.
the node is running again, thank you. I now have to do it for 6 more nodes
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At least you have a nice free backup drive
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kennst du ein Programm das exFAT zu nfts konvertiert ? würde es mal gerne testen
Es gibt keins. Grösse ändern ging ohne datenverlust.