Nodo offline como poner online

no se como es la experiencia en windows, yo tengo todos mis nodos en raspberry pi 4(dos en linux ubuntu y otro en raspbian) y siguiendo este tutorial monte todos mis nodos sin mayor problema.

en linux todo es mas facil porque a base de comandos funciona todo,yo por ejemplo no tengo instalado nisiquiera interfaz grafica en mis raspberrys,todo lo manejo por ssh y comandos

aparte las rapsberry con una buena disipación puedes dejarlas todo el dia funcionando sin problemas, y consumen una cantidad de energía irrisoria por lo que el beneficio no se te va en electricidad.

mis primeras caídas de nodos las detecte con el uptimerobot y casi siempre con apagar y encender los discos duros se reconectaba todo

gracias lo intentare con ubuntu haber que tal

Get-Content “$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log” -Tail 20 -Wait

usa este comando desde el powershell de windows y postea los logs.

ahi deberia estar el problema

ERROR servers unexpected shutdown of a runner {“name”: “debug”, “error”: “debug: http: Server closed”, “errorVerbose”: “debug: http: Server closed\n\*Server).Run.func2:108\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}

@Alexey if you or others can interpretate this and find some solution I can translate that solutión to spanish so @baena520 can understand it.

or other from the eng community, I really can’t find what’s odd

in English, no problem. the only thing that my node is still offline

PS C:\Users\storj> Get-Content “$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log” -Tail 20 -Wait
2020-10-17T01:26:32.636+0200 INFO Node 1xiRtMfTtFSdhLNYvGWqTGMsZcuj5KXA34W5kBRGvMrc2EgF9H started
2020-10-17T01:26:32.636+0200 INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
2020-10-17T01:26:32.636+0200 INFO Private server started on
2020-10-17T01:26:32.635+0200 INFO trust Scheduling next refresh {“after”: “5h21m7.521665385s”}
2020-10-17T01:30:35.921+0200 INFO Got a signal from the OS: “terminated”
2020-10-17T01:30:36.051+0200 INFO Stop/Shutdown request received.
2020-10-17T01:30:36.453+0200 ERROR servers unexpected shutdown of a runner {“name”: “debug”, “error”: “debug: http: Server closed”, “errorVerbose”: “debug: http: Server closed\n\*Server).Run.func2:108\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}
2020-10-17T01:30:37.624+0200 FATAL Unrecoverable error {“error”: “debug: http: Server closed”, “errorVerbose”: “debug: http: Server closed\n\*Server).Run.func2:108\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}
2020-10-17T01:31:12.630+0200 INFO Configuration loaded {“Location”: “C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml”}
2020-10-17T01:31:12.845+0200 INFO Operator email {“Address”: “”}
2020-10-17T01:31:12.845+0200 INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “0x68AF97C2daB3e8B72AE3d48A6aacd42AfbD3Da4f”}
2020-10-17T01:31:14.372+0200 INFO Telemetry enabled
2020-10-17T01:31:14.479+0200 INFO db.migration Database Version {“version”: 45}
2020-10-17T01:31:17.928+0200 INFO preflight:localtime start checking local system clock with trusted satellites’ system clock.
2020-10-17T01:31:18.824+0200 INFO preflight:localtime local system clock is in sync with trusted satellites’ system clock.
2020-10-17T01:31:18.836+0200 INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-10-17T01:31:18.837+0200 INFO Node 1xiRtMfTtFSdhLNYvGWqTGMsZcuj5KXA34W5kBRGvMrc2EgF9H started
2020-10-17T01:31:18.837+0200 INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
2020-10-17T01:31:18.837+0200 INFO Private server started on
2020-10-17T01:31:18.836+0200 INFO trust Scheduling next refresh {“after”: “7h42m52.836782301s”}

Puedo ayudarte con problemas sin conexión en cualquier idioma. Sin embargo, el inglés es mejor porque puede ser utilizado por auditivos más amplios.

  1. You need to check your WAN IP on the router, please, write it down
  2. Go to the and compare the WAN IP with IP there, if they do not match - the port forwarding will not work and node will be offline.
  3. Check your port forwarding rule on your router and make sure that it uses the same IP as your PC with storagenode
  4. Check your firewall, it should allow the incoming connections to the TCP 28967 port

everything is correct

Please, check your identity:

It seems that everything is fine but it is still offline

Please, show the result of the command (PowerShell):

sls "contact.external-address" "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml"

As you can see, your external address in the config is different from the IP on yougetsignal
So, you public IP is dynamic. Thus you need to use a DDNS hostname instead of IP in the config file
You can use this guide to setup a DDNS:

ya tengo instalado el no-ip

How do I change the IP to the duc?

You should open the "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml" with Notepad++ and replace the IP:28967 to in the contact.external-address: option.
Save the config and restart the service either with a Services applet or from the elevated PowerShell:

Restart-Service storagenode

The you can take from the Edit Hosts button

if your router supports the no-ip, it would be better to use your router instead of DUC. In this case the DUC will not be needed.

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How would it be done, because I think all the problems I have had is from duc

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-Content “$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log” -Tail 20 -Wait
2020-10-17T13:41:33.737+0200 INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-10-17T13:41:33.741+0200 INFO trust Scheduling next refresh {“after”: “5h18m15.365406354s”}
2020-10-17T13:41:33.741+0200 INFO Node 1xiRtMfTtFSdhLNYvGWqTGMsZcuj5KXA34W5kBRGvMrc2EgF9H started
2020-10-17T13:41:33.742+0200 INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
2020-10-17T13:41:33.742+0200 INFO Private server started on
2020-10-17T14:05:26.146+0200 INFO Stop/Shutdown request received.
2020-10-17T14:05:26.660+0200 ERROR servers unexpected shutdown of a runner {“name”: “debug”, “error”: “debug: http: Server closed”, “errorVerbose”: “debug: http: Server closed\n\*Server).Run.func2:108\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}
2020-10-17T14:05:27.822+0200 FATAL Unrecoverable error {“error”: “debug: http: Server closed”, “errorVerbose”: “debug: http: Server closed\n\*Server).Run.func2:108\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}
2020-10-17T14:05:28.103+0200 INFO Configuration loaded {“Location”: “C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml”}
2020-10-17T14:05:28.175+0200 INFO Operator email {“Address”: “”}
2020-10-17T14:05:28.175+0200 INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “0x68AF97C2daB3e8B72AE3d48A6aacd42AfbD3Da4f”}
2020-10-17T14:05:28.946+0200 INFO Telemetry enabled
2020-10-17T14:05:28.971+0200 INFO db.migration Database Version {“version”: 45}
2020-10-17T14:05:30.183+0200 INFO preflight:localtime start checking local system clock with trusted satellites’ system clock.
2020-10-17T14:05:31.081+0200 INFO preflight:localtime local system clock is in sync with trusted satellites’ system clock.
2020-10-17T14:05:31.082+0200 INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-10-17T14:05:31.085+0200 INFO Node 1xiRtMfTtFSdhLNYvGWqTGMsZcuj5KXA34W5kBRGvMrc2EgF9H started
2020-10-17T14:05:31.085+0200 INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
2020-10-17T14:05:31.085+0200 INFO Private server started on
2020-10-17T14:05:31.086+0200 INFO trust Scheduling next refresh {“after”: “4h47m10.989258564s”}

The DUC updates with your actual public IP, your storagenode should use as your contact.external-address:. In such case all should work as expected while the DUC is running.

If you can find a DDNS section in your router, you can try to register there with your No-IP login (email address) and password. If you would be succeed - then you can remove the DUC from your PC.

However, the contact.external-address: of the "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml" should contain in both cases.

Thank you very much it was really the ip, everything is online. really thanks for your help and that of the partner.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: The ip change has happened to me again