Hi, I’m having trouble to get my nodes online after power outage last night. I have two 4TB nodes v.1.1.1.
Running Docker. One on Ubuntu and one on Mac.
The logs is saying:
2020-04-30T17:45:39.097Z INFO version running on version v1.1.1
2020-04-30T17:45:39.694Z INFO db.migration Database Version {“version”: 33}
2020-04-30T17:45:40.735Z INFO preflight:localtime start checking local system clock with trusted satellites’ system clock.
2020-04-30T17:45:41.657Z INFO preflight:localtime local system clock is in sync with trusted satellites’ system clock.
2020-04-30T17:45:41.657Z INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-04-30T17:45:41.658Z INFO Node 1wwBNvrTC9wqvppkHwnLPHoF3mtoYuEtbpRn8cyQddHfHAo82H started
2020-04-30T17:45:41.658Z INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
2020-04-30T17:45:41.658Z INFO Private server started on
2020-04-30T17:45:41.659Z INFO trust Scheduling next refresh {“after”: “3h2m12.523929701s”}
2020-04-30T17:45:41.661Z WARN piecestore:monitor Used more space than allocated. Allocating space {“bytes”: 3500000000000}