Please, show the port forwarding rules on your router
28967 and 28968 must be a TCP protocol not UDP
right seems like where getting somewhere node 1 (the oldest node) is back online. the new node is still offline. i don’t understand how the tcp had changed to udp as the original node has been running for over a year. Where shall we go now? By the way thanks all for the help.
Now the time to check the IP of the second PC.
ipconfig | findstr /i "IPv4"
Check that it’s really, if so, then make sure that the storagenode service is running on it
Get-Service storagenode*
After that I would like to suggest you to check the identity on the second PC:
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Status Name DisplayName
Running storagenode Storj V3 Storage Node
Running storagenode-upd… Storj V3 Storage Node Updater
it seems there both online and running thanks. i really don’t understand why the port rules changed. like i said i’ve got 8.8TB used and everything has been alright for months. Cant thank you enough. Its not about the money as such but as i’m not technically minded, people like me need the help of yourselves to rectify problems. Again thanks