Online score is dropped and node is suspended

So you altered the /24 limit with that. Please use only ISP connection and your nodes would be good and you would stop breaking ToS, win-win.

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It would be interesting to know the percentage of nodes that use only ISP connection. I believe Labs has conducted a study on which nodes use VPS in data centers to forward traffic. Could you please share those figures?

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Expand the boundaries of knowledge!
The answer to your question is that 30-40% of nodes are located on isp.
Thanks to zblzgamer for implementing many of the ideas I proposed on his wonderful website.


Please stop to break ToS, our customers will appreciate that.
And you, at the end, too.
The lost file = the lost customer = no payout for anyone including you. Please, reconsider your decisions.

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Youā€™re saying that 60% of nodes go through a VPS?
I find that hard to believeā€¦

Many people donā€™t have a public IP addressā€¦ So they have to forward traffic somehow

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Or there are people like me, that have nodes on server that are located in datacenters


Please explain what exactly Labs mean when they ask SNOs to add more nodes.
Is it supposed to add additional nodes to the already used ISP IPs?
Will this help solve the current goal: to increase upload throughput?

@Alexey : It looks to me like:

  • Storj is pushing a monster amount of trafficā€¦ to nodes connected by VPN.
  • Storj is paying to reserve a huge amount of capacityā€¦ on nodes connected by VPN.
  • Storj salespeople are aggressively trying to convince new customers that they can meet their availability concerns sending their data to nodesā€¦ connected by VPN
  • Storj engineers are actively trying to convince those same new customers they can meet their performance targets using nodesā€¦ connected by VPN

Unless my eyes deceive me: the fact that you mention the ToS in every conversation that includes the letters V, P, and Nā€¦ makes me think itā€™s just lip-service. Youā€™re covering your butt. Because the business decisions made at Storj prioritize making money from VPN-connected nodesā€¦ rather than trying to reduce their numbers to minimize any perceived risk to customer data.

I get it. Money talks. So Iā€™m OK if you stop pretending how SNOs connect is a business risk. :wink: CYA is understood, but not required among friends. We all appreciate your contributions to this forum: youā€™re full of great info!

No, that means 60% use a hosting provider and either host it there OR use a VPN on that hosting provider. How to split these 60% nobody knows.

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In my opinion the /24 rule is a major bottleneck for network throughput and further growth. Its efficency is questionable because everyone circumstances it.

I donā€™t understand why storj officials continuing to ignore the very obvious?

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Well the Select program doesnā€™t have the /24 restriction, so they do understand the limitations. I think itā€™s still a good rule on their side (for node selection) since it does have some effect.

Maybe one day, if they really needed to be able to sell more space (like theyā€™re limiting their ability to make money because free space is almost out), theyā€™ll reconsider it. But while thereā€™s 2x as much free-space as used-space I donā€™t think anything will change.

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Itā€™s not only about space. Routing so much traffic through vpn also lowers bandwith and this is what they need now.

I see what youā€™re getting at. Although VPNs may limit trafficā€¦ my guess is their use is what is allowing Storj to see the performance they do now. Like one direct-IP SNO may only see 300Mbps on their 1Gbps connection. But if they added a couple VPN nodes too they can cap that 1Gbps connection.

I guess weā€™re both guessing :wink:

This is prohibited by ToS. But itā€™s ok. The protocol should handle that (itā€™s not).
We. Do. Not. Want. To reduce the population.
We want to reduce the amount of pieces for the same segment stored on the same hardware. Do you read me?
We Do Not Want Multiple nodes in THE SAME PHYSICAL PLACE. ESPECIALLY IF THEY USES VPN TO CIRCUMVENT THE /24 RULE. I want to make sure, that everyone who circumvent this rule are understand, that they are breaks ToS.
End of the message. Sorry for caps.


Strictly speaking, the ToS prohibits having more than one node behind the same IP address, even without any VPN. At the same time, Labs representatives themselves explain how they use multiple nodes on one IP.

I, as a ā€œStorjLabsā€ representative, say you, explicitly and directly, you are not allowed to circumvent the /24 rule. Do you understand, read, and agreed?

P.S. Sorry, but you are forced me to apply this rule to you.
If you are disagree you are free to shutdown your nodes now.

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Yes, this is an old thing which has been brought up aaaaaaages ago and we were told this line in the ToS would be removed.
There is a post about this somewhere.

The question was just ā€œWhich Terms of Service (ToS) points are allowed to be violated, and which are notā€.
I got an answer.

Yeah. However, this forum and statements from StorjLabs representatives are considered as amends of these ToS.
In this exactly case, using VPNs is strictly prohibited.