Online score won't go up after limiting concurrent requests

Online score isn’t related to receiving payouts.
If you don’t get paid, that’s more likely because you didn’t opt-in for zksync and didn’t reach the minimum payment threshold.

The online score is a 30 days moving average that shouldn’t impact your node as long as it stays above 60%.

Log entries reported as errors are not necessarily all concerning, and are certainly not all related to online scores.

As long as your node sends and receives data, has audit scores above 95% and accumulate a bit of revenue month after month, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. You may wanna check how fast it fills up with @BrightSilence’s estimator as a reference, but your mileage may vary:

This will most probably lower your income. Unless you absolutely need this setting (if you have SMR disks that cannot keep up for instance), I wouldn’t recommend it. But in all honesty I did not read your linked post so I may overlook something ^^’