Online stats: quick to drop, not so quick to recover

Downtime tracking is based on audits, and those audits are grouped into 12 hour windows. Although there is a 30 day window to determine suspension and disqualification (unimplemented right now, but will be turned on in the future), you do not need to wait 30 days for your online score to recover. To answer your specific question, every window in the 30 day tracking period has equal weight. So if you have an online score of 0.5 for one 12 hour window, that will be averaged with all the other 12 hour windows in the 30 day tracking period. After 30 days passes, that 0.5 score window will disappear and will no longer affect online score.

That said, with the online scores in your screenshots, you should be more than okay and do not have to worry about penalization once we enable it. We haven’t determined the exact threshold, but >90% will be fine for sure.

I am happy to explain more, but if you’ve gotten this far and are interested in learning more, you may as well read the blueprint that @nerdatwork linked above, as it will explain things more exhaustively.

As a followup (since it appears this post has been linked elsewhere), we are actually currently in the process of implementing a SNO change which will make audit downtime tracking windows accessible from the SNO API. This will allow node operators to see specifics about how many times they were audited in a given window as well as how many of those audits they were online for, for the full 30 day tracking period.