Order: unexpected EOF

It may be not the same issue but may be related to the issue here. I started a node on a router ago. Running node on OpenWRT router?

After I updated it to 1.11.1 I got activities decreasing on all (ingress, egress, repair and audits) until it was 0 on the day after.

I didn’t know the architecture on how it work and still don’t know it very well but my main OS drive on my router the space remaining at that time was 0 even if I put the storagenode on the external drive. Reading here that orders folder is not where my storagenode folder data are make the network not working has supposed. The orders use spaces on my main drives OS and when full things may go wrong. My node are still online, but nothing else append. I said it may be related it’s because it append at the same time with the issue here. I only have some MB of space on my OS drive. It is not expected with the most storage node operators here.

EDIT: Updated to 1.12.3 now