Payment question & after undistributed payment for 3 months now short paid

Small note on this. It can take a few days after payment before the satellites report back the full payout information to your node. And for my node this doesn’t seem to have happened yet. So this data may still be out of date.

After this data has been reported back, you can also use the earnings calculator to compare your nodes own bookkeeping to the satellite payout info. It will show any discrepancy in payouts.

Here’s an example from Saltlake in November on my node.

Small differences are common. I think it’s usually because your node was still holding data that was already deleted and would later be cleaned up in garbage collection or when expired files are removed. If everything is right, this is always an insignificant amount. If you see bigger amounts, it’s possible that your node has had problems sending bandwidth orders back to the satellite. So once your payment info has been reported back, have a look at those numbers to check if there is something weird going on.