Payout feedback

I wanted to wait until all satellites had reported back paystub data before posting this.

Payout and held amount by satellite:
SATELLITE       MONTH   JOINED       HELD TOTAL       EARNED    HELD%            HELD           PAID
us-central-1       15   2019-02-28     2.67 USD   0.9324 USD       0%      0.0000 USD     0.9324 USD
        SURGE (160%)                              1.4918 USD       0%      0.0000 USD     1.4918 USD
Received: 13.49504785($1.48)

europe-west-1      12   2019-05-31    41.63 USD   2.8724 USD       0%      0.0000 USD     2.8724 USD
        SURGE (160%)                              4.5958 USD       0%      0.0000 USD     4.5958 USD
Received: 42.10082444($4.63)

europe-north-1      1   2020-04-18     0.00 USD   0.0091 USD      75%      0.0068 USD     0.0023 USD
        SURGE (160%)                              0.0145 USD      75%      0.0109 USD     0.0036 USD
Received: 0.0342706($0.00)

asia-east-1        11   2019-06-10     0.69 USD   0.9630 USD       0%      0.0000 USD     0.9630 USD
        SURGE (160%)                              1.5408 USD       0%      0.0000 USD     1.5408 USD
Received: 14.58129379($1.46)

saltlake            3   2020-02-11    14.71 USD   8.9106 USD      75%      6.6830 USD     2.2277 USD
        SURGE (160%)                             14.2570 USD      75%     10.6927 USD     3.5642 USD
Received: 15.2805705($1.68)

stefan-benten      14   2019-03-03   187.51 USD  40.4020 USD       0%      0.0000 USD    40.4020 USD
        SURGE (160%)                             64.6433 USD       0%      0.0000 USD    64.6433 USD
Received: 588.28261914($64.70)

TOTAL                                247.20 USD  54.0895 USD               6.6898 USD    47.3997 USD
        SURGE (160%)                             86.5432 USD              10.7036 USD    75.8396 USD

All seem great with small fluctuations that can easily be explained by token value changes. I used the etherscan feature to get value at time of transfer, which isn’t 100% correct.

Except saltlake seems a little low
I’m definitely not complaining, just trying to find out why.

My first instinct was maybe some discrepancy in the stored data calculation as I had seen small differences there before.
So I compared the paystub data to storage usage data from the node.
That’s definitely not it.

Next check, do I get $1.50 per TB.
Looks like Storj uses the average of 730 hours per month despite April having only 720 hours. Fair enough, that’ll even out over time and that number is close enough to 1.50 for me. So that’s not it either.

Let’s move on to bandwidth. Normal egress traffic, lets compare GB downloaded from my node between paystub and bandwidth usage in the nodes db.

Hey… that doesn’t look right? The paystub seems to have a significantly smaller amount.
Did I do something wrong here?
A 0.245TB difference is 4.90 USD, with 160% surge 7.84 USD. 25% paid out would be 1.96 USD.

Add that to the 1.68 USD that was paid out and you get 3.64 USD. Close enough to the initial calculation.

Queries for reference:

select usage_get/1000/1000/1000 from paystubs
where hex(satellite_id) = '7B2DE9D72C2E935F1918C058CAAF8ED00F0581639008707317FF1BD000000000'
and period = '2020-04'
select sum(amount)/1000/1000/1000 from bandwidth_usage_rollups
where hex(satellite_id) = '7B2DE9D72C2E935F1918C058CAAF8ED00F0581639008707317FF1BD000000000'
and action = 2
and interval_start >= '2020-04-01 00:00:00+00:00'
and interval_start < '2020-05-01 00:00:00+00:00'

Edit: My node ID in case someone wants to look into it:
I don’t mean to say you have to look into it for my node specifically, but if it’s indicative of larger problems this example might help.