Please enable TCP fastopen on your storage nodes

That’s right, you should see the following message in your logs instead

INFO server existing kernel support for server-side tcp fast open detected {"process": "storagenode"}


Interestingly, I have just the one node running 1.79.4 on Debian 11 which has no information in the logs regarding fastopen. It’s like it’s not even checking to see if the ability is there or not.

Any idea why this might be?

Do you use log level info?

I haven’t changed the log level on any of my machines, it’s the same for all of them…

The tcp fastopen log entries are visible only in log level info mode. Not in error or warn mode. See the above discussions.

The default is Info, I think. I just double checked and all my nodes are set to the same.
Odd indeed!

I have the same for my Synology:

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:495: container init caused: write sysctl key net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen: open /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fastopen: no such file or directory: unknown.

With my limited linux skills I tried to search for that file in that path, and is not there. Maybe the parameter needs adjusted with correct path, but I can’t find my way in cli. Maybe @BrightSilence could take a shot at it.

and you need to use --sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3 option in the docker run command.

But I guess you may be also need to add --privileged option…

So, I’ll try this way?

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 \
--privileged \
--sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3 \
-p 28967:28967/tcp \
-p 28967:28967/udp \
-p 14002:14002 \

I got the same error… no such file exists.
Maybe I have to create the tcp_fastopen file inside the container? How could I do that?

BTW, the kernel has the tcp_fastopen file with value 3, at this path:


I run the ls command for kernel (root) and for docker and I get the files below;
for kernel:

# ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4
conf                               ipfrag_time                       tcp_frto                tcp_reordering
fwmark_reflect                     ip_local_port_range               tcp_fwmark_accept       tcp_retrans_collapse
icmp_echo_ignore_all               ip_local_reserved_ports           tcp_invalid_ratelimit   tcp_retries1
icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts        ip_nonlocal_bind                  tcp_keepalive_intvl     tcp_retries2
icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr     ip_no_pmtu_disc                   tcp_keepalive_probes    tcp_rfc1337
icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses  neigh                             tcp_keepalive_time      tcp_rmem
icmp_msgs_burst                    netfilter                         tcp_limit_output_bytes  tcp_sack
icmp_msgs_per_sec                  ping_group_range                  tcp_low_latency         tcp_slow_start_after_idle
icmp_ratelimit                     route                             tcp_max_orphans         tcp_stdurg
icmp_ratemask                      tcp_abort_on_overflow             tcp_max_reordering      tcp_synack_retries
igmp_link_local_mcast_reports      tcp_adv_win_scale                 tcp_max_syn_backlog     tcp_syncookies
igmp_max_memberships               tcp_allowed_congestion_control    tcp_max_tw_buckets      tcp_syn_retries
igmp_max_msf                       tcp_app_win                       tcp_mem                 tcp_thin_dupack
igmp_qrv                           tcp_autocorking                   tcp_min_rtt_wlen        tcp_thin_linear_timeouts
inet_peer_maxttl                   tcp_available_congestion_control  tcp_min_snd_mss         tcp_timestamps
inet_peer_minttl                   tcp_base_mss                      tcp_min_tso_segs        tcp_tso_win_divisor
inet_peer_threshold                tcp_challenge_ack_limit           tcp_moderate_rcvbuf     tcp_tw_recycle
ip_default_ttl                     tcp_congestion_control            tcp_mtu_probing         tcp_tw_reuse
ip_dynaddr                         tcp_dsack                         tcp_no_metrics_save     tcp_window_scaling
ip_early_demux                     tcp_early_retrans                 tcp_notsent_lowat       tcp_wmem
ip_forward                         tcp_ecn                           tcp_orphan_retries      tcp_workaround_signed_windows
ip_forward_use_pmtu                tcp_ecn_fallback                  tcp_pacing_ca_ratio     udp_mem
ipfrag_high_thresh                 tcp_fack                          tcp_pacing_ss_ratio     udp_rmem_min
ipfrag_low_thresh                  tcp_fastopen                      tcp_probe_interval      udp_wmem_min
ipfrag_max_dist                    tcp_fastopen_key                  tcp_probe_threshold     vs
ipfrag_secret_interval             tcp_fin_timeout                   tcp_recovery            xfrm4_gc_thresh

and for docker:

# docker exec -it storagenode ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4
conf                               ip_local_port_range      tcp_base_mss
fwmark_reflect                     ip_local_reserved_ports  tcp_ecn
icmp_echo_ignore_all               ip_no_pmtu_disc          tcp_ecn_fallback
icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts        ip_nonlocal_bind         tcp_fwmark_accept
icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr     ipfrag_high_thresh       tcp_min_snd_mss
icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses  ipfrag_low_thresh        tcp_mtu_probing
icmp_ratelimit                     ipfrag_time              tcp_probe_interval
icmp_ratemask                      neigh                    tcp_probe_threshold
igmp_link_local_mcast_reports      netfilter                vs
ip_forward                         ping_group_range         xfrm4_gc_thresh
ip_forward_use_pmtu                route

So it seems that inside the container there is no tcp_fastopen file. What can be done? How can I create the file each time I stop, rm and restart the node? Is it necesary?

no. It look like it’s disabled for used docker in Synology.

I got the same error on my NAS when I tried enabling it. It’s based on Debian Jessie so I just assumed it was because there is no support in the kernel for TCP fastopen… :man_shrugging:

I did not use --privileged for docker command (did the sysctl setting) and storagenode reports it have detected the fastopen. Debian Bullseye on kernel 5.10.
Wondering if I have to enable it on VPN proxy server? I did, but is it needed?

I believe it also should be enabled for VPN tunnel, if used VPN allows to do so.

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Do I have to change the config in OpenVPN for that? Or is it default enabled? If yes, is that a client or server setting?

I do not know, for honestly.
I tried quickly find an answer, but can only found the enabling it system-wide with sysctl.
So, you would need to experiment.

I enabled it with systemwide. The logs are also saying it’s enabled. Is there a way to check if it’s working?

I get the part with impruving transfers for clients, with tcp-fastopen, but while not all the nodes can support it, this could centralise the traffic to an island of nodes that can support it and enabled it.

Yea and no. Nodes that support fast open will be winning slightly more races. But so will those closer to the customer.

Ultimately, making nodes faster is never a problem :slight_smile:

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