Ports with multiple nodes in VM's

So the rule is simple - each address can handle multiple unique ports. If you have one address, all ports must be a different. If you have different addresses, they must have unique ports too, but within each addresses, for the instance two different addresses could have the same port.

Thank you for the info that makes it possible to give a clearer picture. One final one though if i may. br0 or virbr0 for the host interface? since br0 I think just gives pass through so that might be the problem with the ports and virbr0 basically acts as a switch so that it could handle 28967 on both VM’s from what I can understand.

Routing Table from Unraid

IPv4 default via br0 210
IPv4 docker0 1
IPv4 br0 210
IPv4 virbr0 1

It has nothing to do with your internal bridging and routing.
Each VM has an own IPv4. That’s all what you need. Forward the port for the first node to the IP of the first VM, then forward the second port to the IP of the second VM.
If you use the Linux VM, then you can setup multiple storagenodes with docker.
if you use the Windows VM, the official installer can install only one Windows GUI node on one Windows.
However, there is Community tool Windows Toolbox, which allow you to setup multiple storagenodes in Windows. You can search for it there, on the forum.

Do not try to install docker into the Windows VM, because Windows can’t run Linux containers without VM. So it would be nested virtualization (VM inside the VM). This is possible too in some hypervisors, but I would not recommend such a setup.

Also, in case of VM you should use either virtual disk or iSCSI to connect your disk into VM. Neither SMB nor NFS are supported.

So, maybe it is much better to run docker directly on your Unraid. Also, make sure that the Unraid updated to the latest stable version and use the folder for the storage, because the Unraid have a flaw in the architecture when users’ disks mounted after the full system load (i.e. after the docker has started).
In such case the storagenode will be started by docker before disks are mounted by Unraid.

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