Question about UDP

What are those settings, can someone please point me to the docs, in the context of uplink talking to nodes and satellites?

Is it possible to force UDP/QUIC inspite of TCP being “faster”?

Case in point — one one the integrations (duplicacy backup program) when downloading from storj using native go library doing 40 concurrent downloads of relatively small files ends up creating over 60k (60 thousand) TCP connections per second, achieving throughput of just under 45MBps. While maximum number of ”established” connections rarely exceeds 2000, this happens to be enough to knock down my cable modem in seconds. (2000 concurrent established connections is still too much — default is 1000 on some OSes)

I’m wondering if it may be able to handle stateless protocols better, and therefore if there was a way to have uplink avoid TCP or at least “strongly prefer” UDP.

In these scenarios, latency does not matter, so having a global “do QUIC or fail” would probably address modem dying scenarios.

If there is already a configuration option to address that — I apologize, I could not find it, and please point me to it.