Relation between token and company

Yeah the STORJ payout beats competitors (ref burstcoin/filecoin). I think the train has been and gone on the earnings for STORJ and serious players, which STORJ isnt’ clearly suited for. If you were in on the early days, you would have got big payouts, when the STORJ coin was low-price and tokens being pumped out all over the place due to load testing etc, being banked until a later date when its inevitable that the price will increase… Maybe the STORJ coin will increase in value later on, but there is no way to tell these things for sure. Truly is a gamble.

Spoiler alert: Last I checked burstcoin mining made less than $0.25 per TB per month and dropping…

Flawed economics are at play there, I’ll be checking them out (and Chia). Another great concept with ecology in mind too. It does say on one article though “it suffered a significant price decline after it was delisted from Poloniex” - A black swan event of sorts has shafted it then…