You completly missunderstood.
Storj has said and is familiar with the problem, i just want to hold them accountable.
Storj said they need to balance SNOs and the demand - in my opinion it needs more care.
And to the first bro oreal1, im old SNO here and i already made good part out of it.
But i have to say my feedback, people:
Storj was retaining new nodes creation before, then they reopened it.
IMHO they should close it again!
Don’t You understand that its better to have lets say 8000 nodes, and pay them well, than 16000 nodes and everyone kinda unhappy? because it what its goin to right now, especialy the new ones will make BAD NAME to Storj after that unpleasent experience.
The proposal is this: Storj close options for new nodes , and let the OLD nodes get more data, because we the OLD nodes have plenty of space declared and its still not used, and in the same time new nodes are allowed to join the network, - THIS IS MY PROBLEM, its unfair, let us fill our nodes first better and THEN when You will see its topping up, then You can reopen for new nodes, hope its clear what i think now!
Edit: No they are in diffrent locations , because im familiar with the ip’s limit.
At the begining 1 single node 0,7TB disk space was doing 0,3TB of egress/mo, now its often tops at 0,2TB with exceptions
Actually this proposal is late to the table, because Storj has allowed new nodes for at least 5-10 months to long, if would they halted it 5-10 months ealier, there would be more egress for stable old nodes. And now my 0,9TB node does little to nothing egress 0,15-0,2TB/mo, thats nothing, i want to keep my nodes, but bro not with that egress c’mon you understand? Thank You.