SaltLake Traffic

It’s up on them. Or… you? :wink:


Of course they did. There was no requirement of SOC2 during the whole cycle of negotiations. When the deal was signed, they just passed it to their security team. And SOC2 is popped up.

I understand that. But now Storj sales team knows this can happen and can clarify this kind of requirement in advance.

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And hopefully the SOC2 audit will be passed for the public network too then this would create many more chances hopefully.


The current lack of space reservation or stress testing suggest to me that there is nothing in the pipeline as big as the one we “lost”.
I do hope I’m wrong, though :wink:

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Personally I’d rather not. Then again none of us have any choice (or knowledge) into the chunks that end up in our hard drives, so… :man_shrugging:t2:

Theres a non-zero chance you’re hosting (shpeal about Reed-Soloman) p*rn right now.

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Oh, absolutely!
In fact, I would go so far as to say that there is a virtually zero chance that I’m not! :smile:

Accordingly to the dashboard, there is a lot of available space: EU1 capacity, it can accept up to 6 of such customers.
And I believe that SNOs would likely add more, if there would be a higher demand and usage.