September 13, 2023, August payouts complete and payouts announcements!

8 days ago was part of this payment cycle.


Thanks alot! sorry for not being informed myself. I appreciate yuor responses and help.

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Maybe donating resilient storage space aka space on Storj DCS could help too:

Of course, the archive is important, but it is much more important to support living people now, their children.
Living people pay taxes and thus part of the money of node operators goes to the state, those who remain alive will tell and remember.

This is why I ask you to leave x2 for the operators of Ukrainian nodes, perhaps more according to verification or only for the old onesā€¦ But the support of living and real people - is much better than any funds.

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This goes out of hand. You are soliciting storj, a commercial company, to donate to private individuals. Please stop.

This is a ridiculously bad approach on many levels.

Monetary support should not go to specific people directly, especially, to a such a self-selected group of people who are well enough to run a storage node. It will be a very poor use of resources.

If storj wanted to support any specific cause they could have donated to a specific nonprofit that will ensure funds are spent to further the mission in the most efficient way, with maximum impact. And Ukraine is not a center of the universe either. There are plenty of causes that need support. Iā€™m not sure why are you thinking Ukrainian storage node operators are somehow more worthy of support. Or why do you think that storj in the position to donate to random causes. They are a startup and need to care about their own growth above all else.

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I was even disgusted to read your answer. Your thinking is completely different from sound and reasonable. But I understand the reasons for such infantile thinking.
Are rockets flying into your city? Are ballistic missiles flying into your city? Are guided bombs flying into your city? Or maybe your city is suffering from artillery shelling? Or maybe the electricity in your city is being cut off for an indefinite period due to another missile arriving at an electrical substation in the country?
What do you think is the psycho-emotional state, and as a result, physical health, of people, including node operators? How do you think in such conditions it is easy to maintain uninterrupted operation of the nodes?
ā€œIā€™m not sure why are you thinking Ukrainian storage node operators are somehow more worthy of support.ā€
Donā€™t you consider people who are in a country where there is a war to be people? Ukrainian node operators are in much worse conditions than you. Are they not more worthy of support?
ā€œOr why do you think that storj in the position to donate to random causes.ā€
For random causes? Are node operators, STORJ network holders random causes? Itā€™s worthy to support your network. And Ukrainian network operators who, in such difficult conditions, try to maintain uninterrupted operation of nodes are worthy of support. Because no matter what, they sometimes work miracles. Do you also keep the nodes running for 3 days using a generator, while the entire city is without electricity and electricians are restoring the electrical substation after another missile attack?
Ukrainian node operators do much more to ensure the smooth operation of nodes, being in difficult conditions that are clearly different from your ā€œvelvetā€ ones. Therefore, I believe that they deserve support.
ā€œIf storj wanted to support any specific cause they could have donated to a specific nonprofit that will ensure funds are spent to further the mission in the most efficient way, with maximum impact.ā€
How will this help a specific Ukrainian node holder? 2x bonus - will support a specific Ukrainian node operator. And a donation to the organization will have absolutely no effect on the support of the Ukrainian node operator.
And what amounts are we talking about? What is the percentage of Ukrainian node operators out of all nodes? Obviously not the tallest. $20 bonus - support the Ukrainian node operator. But a $20 donation to an organization is absolutely nothing. Less than an atom in a drop in the sea. Support for the country requires billions of dollars.
PS. Donā€™t worry, the 2x bonus didnā€™t make them millionaires

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You both sound verry weird, from the standing point of you @arrogantrabbit @pdeline06 , wich are completely different and not related.

So its not possible to understand each other.

99.9% of us know its terrible in Ukraine, and for my part i recently donated 80ā‚¬ in ETH to Ukraine.

There is nothing to discuss, because of different vievs. StorJ owes noting to us and both of you donā€™t speak for StorJ.

Donations are voluntarily. Nobody and nothing will change that.

My personal opinion is, we as Germans and the British owe a bit more to Ukraine than everybody else, because of history, not out of guilt, rather than we said : not again ever to genocide and faschism.

Maybe we should do something as community, like spending Eth to Ukraine, or something.


I would advise to close this topic before it will get out of hand. Have itchy fingers and have hard time resisting to express my own opinions.


Please avoid making rude comments to each other. I dislike having to remove posts and would prefer the authors edit them and remove negative or personal attacks. I will remove responses if I have to, however so please keep things civil.

Also, I realize the war is a hot button topic with a lot of opinions from an International user base. And I understand that Storj Labs has a position on the war and has and is providing some financials to support their position. However, it would be best not to argue about the war itself. This is a niche technology forum and not a Redit group. We should all try to keep conversations on the technology and off politics as much as possible. If things become too far out from being Storj related, we will lock threads to prevent it from getting carried away.

Thanks for everyoneā€™s understanding and trying to remain professional in your comments and responses.


Not just you, we British promised to defend Ukraine if they would give up their nukes and they did

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Oh, i did not know that. I edited the line and changed my opinion. Thank you.

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I think the main issue for them to want to stop the 2x bonus is people might be wanting to take advanage of what is going on in ukraine to benefit themselfs and creates a bunch of IPs based in ukraine and paying there nodes 2x, There happens to be alot of nodes running in Ukraine in a datacenter area and that might also be why they wanted to stop the x2 bonus.
Not to mention no one thinks Ukraine arent worthy, But it just seems like running a node isnt the right way to support anyone. It just seems like a way to take advange of the situation and make more money off it. For them to be able to donate directly to Ukraine would be better as a whole. I myself have donated to a few placed. The whole x2 bonus just brought many to try to take advanage and that is probably what ruined it for people who actually needed it.

Sorry, but the name of the country is written with a capital letter. This is a sign of disrespect. Ukraine!

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Iā€™m going to give this issue a pass and ask that you do not make assumptions because many languages do not have capital letters despite systems automating capitalization of the first letter of each sentence in a UX in English.

While Iā€™m not making assumptions about peopleā€™s use of translations here, letā€™s stay mindful that these types of things are not necessarily intentional offenses.

This issue has a lot of people hot for understandable reasons but letā€™s not make additional accusations that could well be unfounded.


Iā€™ve meant no disrespect. I did not know that. Means iā€™ve disrespected my own country many times. since my phone doesnā€™t seem to auto correct me.


I am sorry, i did not know that thing with the capital letters eighter. I corrected my Mistake.
Thanks for pointing out.


I didnā€™t want to offend anyone at all. The name of any country is written with a capital letter. Not only Ukraine. These are the ā€œbasicā€ basics of spelling. Of course, there are exceptions in certain languages, but they are few.

Without extending this issue far off topic, I must respectfully disagree as many of the worlds most common languages are unicameral alphabets

You are not obligated or expected to know this, but since SNOs are a global community it is important to respect everyoneā€™s native languages equally. This is not to infer you are not, but a hopeful suggestion that we can all forgive unintentional issues of English grammar and get back to the more technical purposes at hand.,%2C%20Chinese%2C%20Arabic%20and%20Hindi.


Sorry that my REQUEST gave rise to continued debate and discussion, I only as a node operator who will probably have to fail due to power outages ASKED for subsidies to be added until spring.
I understand perfectly well that there are many different issues and countries in the world. But targeted assistance for work done, in my opinion, is preferable and the point is not to earn money, but to survive and continue what was started a long time ago.
At the same time, if new nodes really appeared or nodes were transferred to Ukrainian IP addresses after the announcement of an increase in payments, then this is sad.
I would, of course, prefer to support the established node operators who worked until February 2022 and are working now - I was talking about myself and people like me.

Once again, Iā€™m sorry that this turned out to be a discussion, I wrote a request and pointed out objective factors why, in my opinion, it is worth extending the subsidies until spring.


Sure there in caps but no one does it on purpose to disrespect a country so it shouldnā€™t be assumed that they are this is the internet and everything isnā€™t perfectly grammered when typing on my phone everything can be lower cased and isnā€™t corrected less i go back and proof read which i donā€™t cause im on my phone. My phone doesnā€™t even try to correct when i write anything even my own country. which is canada. Iā€™m just here to based on facts why this is happening.