Should I change max-concurrent-requests? >> Note: The implementation has changed. You shouldn't use this setting any longer. Leave it commented out

Can’t upload the script, sorry. But it’s pretty simple. For each line of log:

  • if it’s upload started or download started, increment the counter for the number of current in-flight requests,
  • if it’s uploaded, downloaded, upload cancelled or download cancelled, decrement the above counter.
  • if it’s upload started or download started, memorize the satellite id, piece id and the current value of the above counter,
  • if it’s uploaded or downloaded, retrieve the memorized value of the counter for the given satellite id/piece id pair and memorize that there was a successful transfer at that number of in-flight requests.
  • if it’s upload canceled or download canceled, retrieve the memorized value of the counter for the given satellite id/piece id pair and memorize that there was a canceled transfer at that number of in-flight requests.

Then print out the rates, noting to avoid computing rates if there aren’t enough samples (I picked a threshold of 100, which very roughly sets the error bars at ±10%).