So Are You Saying There's a Chance?

So it means it lost 96% of files? That’s weird, I would have expected the disqualification to be way faster in such a scenario. We’ve seen disqualifications happen in less than 24h in the past, but that was before the new audit system though.

There must be something I don’t get because this suggests only 1% of lost files… ^^’

I think all kind of setups do exist, but some are better than others :wink:
It’s usually not recommended to have 2 nodes on the same HDD (and technically it goes against TOS):

I personally do have a disk that runs 2 nodes: 1 main node (4TB) and a small node (500GB) beside it that I kind of “incubated” so it’s ready to be deployed/expanded in the future.
I would not recommend doing that if you have other options because whenever the filewalker hits both nodes at the same time, the disk is crawling under heavy IO load (I believe RAID arrays do not help with regards to IO loads). Also, lose the disk, and you lose both nodes (although I guess a RAID5 kind of array is supposed to prevent that from happening).

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