I have a spare Dell precision t1700 that has a Xeon processor plus a 500GB main drive with 2x 3TB drives inside. It’s just sitting here not doing anything. My ISP is FIOS, and I have symmetrical Gigabit internet with no data caps.
Any ballpark idea of how much I can make if I setup this machine as a node? It seems like a pretty cool idea since this machine id on 24/7 but not doing anything.
Also, I had some questions like can I adjust how much bandwidth the node uses?
Do I need to dedicate 100% of each drive I choose or can it be a specific folder?
Since I have 2x 3TB drives, am I better off using 3TB of storage in a RAID1 config?
Agreed, unless you’ve got tons of hardware just laying around don’t worry about RAID. Alternately spin up 2 nodes and do one to each of those 3TB drives. This keeps the “1 drive per node” recommendation but also allows you that if a drive should fail you’ve at least still got another node that can keep running and earning. Keep in mind that because both nodes will be behind the same IP it will be treated as 1 node for geographic reasons. You’ll see slower growth on them individually but together they should amount to what you would have seen if you only had one node running. The benefit of doing this is assuming your drives hold out for the long haul then they will both be out of the “held amount” period as soon as possible. Can start one up, get it stable and looking good for a few days, then take a shot at adding the second.