Storage node to Satellite : I've lost this block, sorry

Thanks for these details.

Something feels weird to me then: Initially, if the number of pieces of a segment were to fall below 35, the repair job would repair only 29 pieces, so the total number of available pieces for this segment would be 64.

So… why are we uploading 80 pieces to the network when uploading a segment at first, if this number is never used again down the line? Segments will end up having between 35 and 64 pieces with time.

Or maybe you meant the repair job is going to download only 29 pieces because that’s enough for reconstructing the whole segment, and then it’s going to restore all the 80 pieces (or any number it wants)?

Actually I had forgotten this had been discussed a long time ago here:

And it seems it’s actually up to each satellite to handle this the way they want, in step with security, costs, … So I guess I kind of answered my own question :smiley: