Storj bandwith throughput

There is no cap on bandwidth. The usage depends on the customers, not hardware of software settings (except some edge cases like using a network storages, complex setups and so on).

I’m sorry, but you are not allowed to bypass a /24 Storj network safety check. It’s here for a reason to do not allow to store more than a one piece of the same segment in the same physical location.
If you would bypass this rule, you will change the default behavior of the Storj network (this is forbidden by ToS by the way) and it become possible to store more than a one piece of the same segment on the same hardware and/or in the same physical location. If your setup would be huge enough there is a higher risk to have an unrepairable segment if your hardware/software/internet would fail.
The lost segment = the lost customer = the lost payment = the lost payouts for everyone.
So bypassing the /24 rule you are shooting yourself in the foot. Please do not do this. The reducing reliability can damage the hardly earned trust of the customers.

And @Pentium100 is correct too - the new algorithm of nodes selection is now more dynamically regulates which nodes are more often selected, see:

So I would suggest to check your success rate instead. If you have many loosed races (context canceled), then perhaps your disks are a bottleneck, not your network.
It is also worth to check the router and/or modem - perhaps they cannot handle a lot of parallel connections. You may also have a enabled “smart” protection or similar slow down features or not properly configured QoS.