Storj error "network is unreachable"

I want to run Storj on my Nas.
Now when I want to start the container I receive this.

2020-10-22T09:47:02.502Z        ERROR   Invalid configuration.  {"error": "invalid contact.external-address: lookup \"\" failed: lookup on dial udp connect: network is unreachable", "errorVerbose": "invalid contact.external-address: lookup \"\" failed: lookup on dial udp connect: network is unreachable\n\*Config).Verify:150\n\tmain.cmdRun:146\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:842\n\*Command).ExecuteC:950\n\*Command).Execute:887\n\\n\\n\tmain.main:335\n\truntime.main:204"}
Error: invalid contact.external-address: lookup "" failed: lookup on dial udp connect: network is unreachable

Than I used a DNS Lookup tool

I removed my IP and DNS address from the Image.

Can someone say me what’s wrong?

I also opend the Port (I want to share a Image with the port forwarding but I can only upload one image).

I can’t access the Web GUI and says that the port is closed.

Welcome to the forum @Roalkege!

You need to use address and port in the contact.external-address

It should be something like

Hello @nerdatwork,
that’s my docker command

I would remove the / at the end of identity/storagenode/ so it becomes identity/storagenode

Have you forwarded your port correctly ?

Ok I removed it.

The Ports are fine.

I have another Ports open and these are working (not for Storj)

Just so you know, you only need to forward port 28967. 14002 doesn’t need to be forwarded.

Ok, but the problem still remains

Are you sure the domain is correct?

Cannot resolve IP for

Will an IP be resolved for your subdomain?

Yes with my subdomain I can access it.

Hmm if Yousignal says the port is closed, the problem must be somewhere with the router or DSL provider. Have you also restarted the router? Could you just release the other ports or did you have to contact the ISP? Do you have cable or DSL? What if you test your current IP (not domain) at Yousignal with the port?

I’m testing the whole time with my IP and when I try with my DDNS domain everything works also.
I have also Port 5000, 80 and 6281 opened and these are also on yougetsignal open.
But 28967 not.
I have cable with Dual-Stack and I restarted the router.

Yougetsignal will show an open port only when you start / run storagenode

you can check for a while, just to check, enter (if you know it) your external IP address in the command, e.g .:

-e ADDRESS = "195.333.52.228:28967"

you restarted the router, maybe the IP changed and Synology’s DNS has not updated yet …

2020-10-22T18:19:13.613Z        INFO    Telemetry enabled
2020-10-22T18:19:13.638Z        INFO    db.migration    Database Version        {"version": 45}
2020-10-22T18:19:13.885Z        ERROR   trust   Failed to fetch URLs from source        {"source": "", "error": "HTTP source: Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup on dial udp connect: network is unreachable", "errorVerbose": "HTTP source: Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup on dial udp connect: network is unreachable\n\*HTTPSource).FetchEntries:63\n\*List).fetchEntries:90\n\*List).FetchURLs:49\n\*Pool).fetchURLs:240\n\*Pool).Refresh:177\n\*Peer).Run:736\n\tmain.cmdRun:209\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:842\n\*Command).ExecuteC:950\n\*Command).Execute:887\n\\n\\n\tmain.main:335\n\truntime.main:204"}
Error: trust: failed to fetch from source "": HTTP source: Get "": dial tcp: lookup on dial udp connect: network is unreachable

This is when I use my external IP
But the Port is still not opened

What OS are you using? Looks like a restrictive firewall to me.

lookup on dial udp connect: network is unreachable

The node can’t reach out to the DNS server (google it appears) to lookup the address.

Hey, I’m using Synology DMS/Linux.
The firewall should be disabled.

Something blocking the traffic.
Please, try to reboot your router and then stop and remove the storagenode container, then run it again.

Check in DSM - network for storagenode container - should be bridge

I installed docker over ssh because I have an ARM cpu