Storj minimum charge

Does Storj have a minimum charge, for example $4 + segment fees?

Or let’s say I only store 3GB monthly, will my credit card be charged $0.01 monthly or how will it work?

Thanks in advance for helping me understand Storj’s payment processing.

Hi @Overuse,

There is no minimum charge.

I store single digit GB of data and the balance is slowly accumulating, but no payment has yet been charged. The owed balance shows as a negative under ‘Available Funds’.

I’m sure at some point my balance will be high enough that a card payment will be taken.


Thank you! It seems that you did get charged in the past, as your negative account balance isn’t equal to the total of your billing history.

Would just be curious what’s the minimum charge at the end of the day :slight_smile:

No, the status shows ‘PAID’, but on each invoice the balance just passes over to the next month…

The Billing History total is cumulative!

That’s what I missed! Makes sense now.


Looks like if you do not change your usage pattern, your payment method will get charged in March (2 invoices from now) when you cross the minimum charge threshold of our payment processor which is 50 cents.


Might be useful for future Storjers to add this in here: Understanding Storj Pricing Structure - Storj Docs

Not actually. It may change, we do not control it. For example, if you would use STORJ tokens payment method, there is no minimum chargeable threshold.