Myes, good voice
By using distributed cloud services you can dramatically reduce cloud carbon emissions
This sentence is not accurate and misleading. I understand what was intended to be conveyed, but this sentence failed to convey that.
you mean the vocal fry?
We still use the already existing hardware in most cases, even for Select, so - not so misleading. We are meant to use our Storj Distributed Cloud, not someone’s else
Oh my god, it has a name. I did not know that! Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.
I don’t know why I find it so infuriating. Maybe because I only hear it on bad reality programs, instagram wannabe influencers, and oddly specific considering the video you linked, also one of the sales people in one if the convenience stores I frequent.
It’s weird hearing it in a context I associate with everything but the values connected reality programs.
I think it’s not a vocal fry, because it has emotions. Maybe because English is not my native language?
As I understand it, Vocal fry is the rumbling rattle gurgle in the lowend of the voices. In the first few moments in the video, it can be heard with
Limitless Potentialllll
end global hungerrrrr
and so much moarrrrr
I think the video @arrogantrabbit posted showcases it perfectly, albeit with a strong ironic underlining… which is perfect for his character What do you mean, when you say “it has emotions”?
I hear this voice smiling affably as it speaks. Maybe it’s just me?
And this is contradict the definition of “Vocal fry” as:
bored or lazy unlikely would be smiling and feel involved?
heh, “smiling voice”. That’s a cute way to think of it
I think my now hidden comment tells my thoughts on the speak. I don’t think it flows naturally, almost “too tryhard”. As you can read, I too am running into a non-english-nativity issue. It’s hard to describe feelings about spoken word through a foreign written media, lol.
I think the speaker sounds like a version of Saron Yitbarek, who probably did a few more naturally sounding takes before PR said something along the lines of “More enthusiasm - more happy - more conviction!”
EDIT: I see you edited your post, so I too will edit mine.
I mean, your example has shoots itself down with [...] an outdated notion that researchers say is rooted in sexism
. The speaker does not sound either bored or lazy in my opinion - but definitely not natural either.
I do not know, for me it sounds normally for the promotion video (like “expected”?)