Depends on your location and the used protocol (and sometimes hardware). With Storj native - it will be as fast as your bandwidth channel will allow and would be likely the same in any location (with accounting of 2.68x for upload and up to 39/29 ~ 1.34x for download - the libuplink will open 39 connections to download a segment of the file and will cancel all remained when the first 29 are downloaded).
Also depends on what’s do you use, a Storj Global, Storj Select or Storj Private Cloud (SPC) and the protocol, of course. For Global Storj you will get a fastest speed for your location using S3 integration and fastest speed for your location and hardware for Storj native.
You may check Hotrodding Decentralized Storage for your location and hardware.
See the example of the usage: Tribe Social Case Study
and you may check others