storjWidget for iOS / Android

Hmm you should be able to access it from other devices in your Network. Maybe you have a firewall setting that is blocking it?

i will try to dissable firewall.

This is weird - i alloed port 3123 in firewall - now its seems i can “trigger” and connect on any computer - but i get “not found” and a 404 code in therminal?
in the picture - the browser is another pc - and the therminal is the hose…

And on the script app it says: “data cant be read because wrong format”

Oh I think I missed the „d“ in „bandwidth“….
I think you copied that and have it also missing in your widget code, is that possible?

Thank you! it works
engelish is not my main language :smiley:

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@striker43 - now what do you think it whould take to be able to get the stats when we are not connected to our own network? :open_mouth: :smiley:

For that you only need to forward the port 3123 in your router similarly like you did the port forwarding for your STORJ node. Then you can use the same dyndns domain as you use for your STORJ node and just add the port :3123 in your widget code.

let url = „“

But please keep in mind that opening ports to the World Wide Web always brings security risks with it…

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Okay - thank you :smiley:
I will think about that

Hi everyone to thanks @ striker45 for the beautiful widget. I have a small mistake and I wanted to ask you if you know why. I have 2 nodes online but the exporter gives me 4.


Where did I go wrong?

Docker command
docker run -d --restart always -p 3123:3123 -e NODES_LIST=,,, -v storjWidgetVolume:/var/www/storjWidgetVolume mb17/storjwidget:raspberry


You should use either internal port or the external port, not both. And also publishing your private information unrestricted to the internet is not a good idea (I mean publishing your dashboard alongside with your email, wallet and earnings).
If you want to see your dashboard remotely - use How to remote access the web dashboard - Storj Docs guide and remove port forwarding rules for dashboards’ ports

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I don’t want remote access. I haven’t edited, I shouldn’t have exposed anything, I guess …
excuse the ignorance, but how should the command be for not having 4 nodes?
I have 2 nodes, one on port 14002 and one on port 14003, don’t I have to set them both?

The nodes list should contains only internal addresses of your nodes, like this:

So my mistake is leaving these:,
Done, mistake corrected
Thanks as always Boss

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some how to for android? The link to download scriptable show no downloadbutton

Just to clarify I don’t have android

But from what I know all apps in android are tuning in Java anyways so can’t you just run the code natively

As said before I don’t use android so not 100% sure

But the Scriptable widget is built with JavaScript. JavaScript is not Java, so I think running the scriptable code will not work directly. I also think that the Scriptable team developed some custom JavaScript components for the widget creation that can only be used within their environment. Normal JavaScript interpreters will not be able to understand and execute it.

But maybe you find another app that is able to create widgets on android. You would still be able to use my Exportrichtlinien, as that is providing all relevant data per REST endpoint. Just the widget UI needs to be built in that Android App…

How‘s your progress, mate? :nerd_face:

The docker script is not working well on 64bit :weary:

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Works great, changed the script to a smaller box to fit my smart grid.

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The basic framework is more or less finished. I just need to make it pretty and add some more metrics, but it‘s already working :smiley:.
I will try to post some screenshots later.

Unfortunately I’m very busy with my real job right now and don’t have time to work on it.

If anyone wants to support, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I‘m building the backend with Spring boot and the app with Flutter.