Hello I have started with the nodes, and configure mine in a dedicated one that I have in my office, but I cannot make the web panel, the url does not work
Ensure that you’re trying to reach the web dashboard at port 14002. Given the above screenshot, it appears that you’re trying to access the dashboard using the ddns.net address. To do this, you’d need to forward port 14002 on your router to allow external access. This is not secure and not recommended.
means access only from locahost -p 14002:14002
means access from another computer on the same LAN
if you want to change it, you must stop the storagenode service docker stop -t 300 storagenode
delete container docker rm storagenode
and start the storagenode container with the new parameter docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 -p 28967:28967 -p 14002:14002
You are strongly advised not to open your host for monitoring from the Internet (on port 14002). This puts your host in serious jeopardy of compromise. If you need remote access there are a variety of ways such as VPN, RDP and Chrome Desktop which should all be properly secured.
The security concept is you have a secure tunnel to your local network from the Internet. The termination of the VPN can be on a firewall, a host or a device meant for this. The ports for your Storj dashboard give access to anyone on the Internet and the dashboard is not securely hardened for that.