Telemetry - how and why to enable it

To me, there are two types of Crypto bros.

Type A does not understand the technology, they just think they are smarter than those stupid boomers who don’t get it. Their ideology and belief of how crypto will make the world better is only a masquerade, what they care about is making a lot of money to finally escape the matrix, never work again, and buy a Lambo. Those NFT grifter, Andrew Tate and other “life coach” loving idiots make up for 90% of the Crypto bros. These are the people coming here into the forum and arguing with me that STORJ Data is stored on a blockchain… They absolutely can’t wrap their head around the fact that besides the payout, absolutely nothing of STORJ is Crpyto, Web3, decentralized, or on the blockchain. Because why should data not be on the all problem-solving magic blockchain? That is the result of an ideology hindering your brain’s thinking abilities.

Then there is Type B. These guys work in IT and at least understand the technology. They still sometimes believe crypto can solve social problems, mostly because they are smart about IT but not about economics. “Inflation bad, mkay?”
In my bubble, these far left, sometimes hippies, sometimes communist, high-paid IT people have something in common with the far right: They mistrust the state and are libertarian. These people are very sensitive when it comes to privacy and would call something like that a “di** move”. These are the people only paying cash, not even owning a credit card (not that hard in Europe) and buy their games with paysafecard that they bought with cash.
But then again, they understand the tech, so unlike Toyoo

they understand that just because transactions are public and visible on the blockchain, that does not mean that there is no privacy.

But that is just my bubble :wink:


The big question then is: If there are people here that don’t trust anything, why didn’t they check the source code before starting to become an sno?

These people also mess with all the settings then the software doesn’t work as intended anymore and then the developers are at fault for creating bad software or breaking it deliberately :smiley:

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Again, it’s not a technical discussion any more, and while I can understand this feeling, let me be pedantic:

  • It is not hidden. For example visible in storagenode run --help, and also discussed multiple times in this forum. Also logged on INFO level at every startup.
  • It was possible to turn it off, for example with setting metrics.addr to “”. I just made it easier with using the interval, not the addr.
  • Also, I would recommend to check the content of the packages. Check the /metrics endpoint on the debug port. It’s easier to discuss about what is problematic there, if we are on the same side.



Will you revert to opt-in or stand by your choice and force nodes to opt-out?

Whenever you’re in doubt with a choise, mesure pros and cons.
Keeping telemetry on as default - I see only pros.
Turning telemetry off by default - I see only cons.
So just to satisfy some unfounded paranoic thoughts is not enough reason to turn it off.
You always have the choice to turn telemetry off, to stop your nodes or to not join Storj project, if privacy concerns keeps you up at night. Is not like you’re making millions and you are forced to run a node.


I would add to @snorkel’s point:

I would even extend it - “they must build code themselves”.

If you are in concern of such things, you likely will examine the code and find out, how to disable.
I would also agree with this statement:


So I guess that is a “no” to opt-in.