Testing of the storj/rclone fork

The qnap app will use the default of 4 checkers and 4 transfers. That will trigger both issues. I would prefer to wait for the fixes.

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I just test rsync also. I do:
sudo rclone sync -P -L /home --transfers 1 --exclude samba/shares/Twixtel/ backup-home:backup-home

And i get this:

2020-04-28 07:26:17 ERROR : Baurecht-Mails-bis-Ende-2017/Email-2015-alle/2015_20190820-1302/messages: error reading destination directory: uplink: Error: too many requests
“Error” backtrace:

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Looks like you’re running into the request limit. You can ask for it to be raised at https://support.tardigrade.io/hc/en-us/requests/new

Please do, Storj uses these requests to determine what a fair limit is. The more requests people send to increase this when they run into it. The more information Storj has to pick the right limit.

I think it would be useful if you provide some info on exactly what you were doing when you ran into this as well. Include things like number of parallel transfers etc.

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