The thread you linked in your post contradicts everything you said.
Usually copying is happening with keep of original date and time, unless you want to change it or too lazy to specify additional option to keep it or if you don’t care.
But I can assume that is not the case, the pieces on my nodes have a creation time somewhere in June or even February, but the LastWriteTime
exactly not older than 7 days.
For example
Get-ChildItem X:\storagenode3\storage\trash\ -File -Recurse | Where-Object{$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-6) -and $_.CreationTime -ne $_.LastWriteTime} | ft CreationTime, LastWriteTime, Name
6/30/2020 2:40:49 AM 7/4/2020 3:00:19 PM
I used -6
days, because -7
doesn’t show anything
The oldest one in my current trash is
Get-ChildItem X:\storagenode3\storage\trash\ -File -Recurse | Where-Object{$_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)} | Sort-Object CreationTime -Descending | Select-Object -Last 1 | ft CreationTime, LastWriteTime, Name
CreationTime LastWriteTime Name
------------ ------------- ----
2/12/2020 12:10:55 AM 7/9/2020 3:21:12 AM ic6ahgffdipy27vnhjt2vfobdo7q27npxopcbtqrehtti5sgeq.sj1
Please don’t suggest people delete the trash. Yes, most of the time that probably won’t cause an issue. But if the trash is restored, your node will be expected to have that data and it would instantly lead to disqualification. Nobody should take that risk.
well it is called trash… if it was a large enough % i might be tempted… and when one has a 1tb node with 433gb in trash… then i can understand his dismay that nobody is paying for his rented out space… but then again on the otherside… 1.5$ pr tb stored isn’t a low payment…
so i guess the trash is paid through that… ofc that would kinda mean that some people might loss the trash lottery… which might seriously affect their profits…
i also made it very clear that it was most likely a very bad idea… but i also know, i don’t really read instruction manuals, and so if its a trash folder thats kinda like a temp folder… usually or most often kinda dispensable… atleast maybe xD
besides it was a 1tb node… so if he killed it… at current ingress he would be back at 1tb in like 10 days… and his trash problem would be gone…
but yeah it was terrible advice… will be interesting to see if i ever get that much trash…
i mean 43% seems very excessive… almost like something went wrong… i mean we have seen and looked at the network and data is scattered all over the place… so if he has 433gb of trash then there must be tons and tons of others that has something similar… which kinda makes me wonder if there is a pattern to it… but i just cannot understand how there would be… aside from something like cancelled ingress… ofc on a full node… ingress isn’t really a problem… so i guess that kinda defeats that idea…
i guess time will tell if i ever get 500gb trash… also because i got nearly 12tb… shouldn’t i usually … or more like almost always have more trash than a 1tb node…
i mean the odds should be stacked for me winning the most trash…
21 posts were split to a new topic: Trash comparison thread