Trash used space to big

TBH my suspicion is that stefan-benten doesn’t delete the data the normal way. My oldest node had a lot of data from that satellite with 4.9TB filled and 1.1TB in trash this morning. And this server is online virtually 100%.

I noticed today, that all subfolders in stefan-benten’s blobs folder starting with a number had ~1GB each in them, then from aa down to xz only a few MB, from ya to yz some had ~1GB and some a few MB and again from za to zz all had ~1GB.

You can’t tell me that these are leftovers from normal delete operations from the client. It looks like the satellite just takes a shortcut with deleting pieces in alphabetical order of the pieceID’s. I have ~250GB in the blobs and 830GB in the corresponding trash folder for stefan-benten. My server is online almost 100% with the odd maintenance shutdown/reboot. It’s impossible that this many delete operations failed.

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