August 9, 2024, 4:52am
The Average Disk Space Used This Month is incorrect due to missing/incomplete reports from US1, and the Total Disk Space is taken from the databases too and can be incorrect too.
The first one can be solved by implementing a new feature on the node:
opened 09:52AM - 18 Jun 24 UTC
In case ranged loop don't run tally for one or more days storage nodes displays … gaps in usage (see SN screenshot). After investigation it looks that this will not affect billing in a substantial way as when new tally will be calculated it will take into account whole missing period and usage in TB/h will be higher (see DB entries from `accounting_rollups` tables for single node)
We need to fix how nodes are displaying usage to avoid confusion and complains from SNOs. I think we have two options:
* calculate average usage stats fully on satellite side. with that we should calculate usage for missing days from first available tall after those missing days. in this case we should return final values of usage for each day in a month
* fix displaying on storage node side by ignoring gaps with 0 usage and just display those days that we have tallies for. alternatively we could try to calculate gaps in the same way as proposed for satellite side but not sure if that make sense on client side.
* maybe there is another option I didn't think about
The second one can be solved on your node: Disk usage discrepancy?
However, while there is no completed reports from the US1 satellite, the estimation will be wrong.