Ubuntu file explorer integration

Currently setting up a fresh install of Ubuntu and must give kudos to the Google Drive integration, wishing there was a similar feature for Storj buckets.

My drive is accessible as a folder in the default file explorer and also shows up as an icon on my docker-bar for super easy access to my cloud storage.

If there is such an integration somewhere I am all ears, if not, take this post as a +1 for motivating some clever developers to work on this particular feature.

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Hi @Populus ,

The team said there is not such an integration at this time.
Rather we need third party developers to build such an app, as Storj is not meant to be used like google drive by end users.

That said, if someone does work on this feature please let us know so we can link it here in the Forum.

In the mean time, you could try using nextcloud with Storj backend.

If you’re a little more technical, take a look at any number of FUSE providers for Storj, such as rclone mount. While the setup isn’t as easy as something from Google, you can likely accomplish most of what you’d want to do!


@bre - I understand, thanks.

@wthorp - This looks really useful, thanks for sharing. Currently ‘storj’ is not listed in their application’s list of providers but it is listed in their documentation. I’m going to assume it is under revision currently but I am definitely going to look into using ‘rclone’ for all of the other services.

You can find our full Rclone integration guide here.

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Could not find where to report feedback, but this statement on that page is incorrect (copy-paste error):

Uploads will be encrypted and erasure-coded server-side, thus a 1GB upload will result in only in 1GB of data being uploaded to storage nodes across the network.

I think what was intended was something like

Uploads will be encrypted and erasure-coded server-side, thus a 1GB upload will result in only in 1GB of data being uploaded from the client to the hosted gateway.

I’ve done it for you, but you can click the ‘thumbs down’ button at the bottom of the page and leave a comment or as I did a link to your above post.


Thank you for the report! The doc is fixed.