Unable to connect to node dashboard

When you deleted your databases, did you happen to accidentally delete the storage-dir-verification file?

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nope. Still there. Deleted only the .db files.

are you able to verify that your current storagenode.exe able to run on your system and show the version?

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What do you mean if it is able to run on the system? I’ve been running the node for a long time. Here is the result.

PS C:\Program Files> cd .\Storj
PS C:\Program Files\Storj> cd '.\Storage Node'
PS C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node> .\storagenode.exe version
2024-07-12T20:27:45-04:00 INFO Anonymized tracing enabled {“Process”: “storagenode”}
Release build
Version: v1.105.4
Build timestamp: 29 May 24 08:48 EDT
Git commit: e20f78fa5d0e07eecfb615aa8b74075c7ae25b92

PS C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node>

EDIT: Weird - your pic shows configuration file loaded yet mine does not - only anonymized tracing enabled. Perhaps it is as I have the services disabled currnetly (otherwise it just keeps starting , erroring / restarting / etc…) This error when I start the service.

Also stumped as to why it won’t recreate the log file.

It looks like you have the same EXE file as me, so I’m guessing it’s ok. I was just wondering if you accidentally downloaded some weird version while trying to manually go back to a specific version. I’m still tinkering on my end.

I didn’t think I did - was pretty straight forward to get the version once I was directed.

Can you check your windows event viewer for errors?

As above. That’s why I disabled the service.

The Storj V3 Storage Node service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: Restart the service.

I can’t even try some of the suggestions from other posts (eg - ```
cat “$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log” -tail 40

what if you try running the exe from the command line (command line run as administrator)

cd C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node
storagenode.exe run --log.output stderr --config-dir "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\\"

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Error: While parsing config: yaml: line 170: mapping values are not allowed in this context

EDIT: Seems like a directory error (storage path was missing a trailing \

It’s running now - what is it doing?

Interesting. What is it doing? I don’t know. You might want to press control +c until it stops and try to run it the normal way instead of using the command line now that you have fixed a config.yaml issue.

Sorry - had to create another account as my new account was restricted from further posting. Wasn’t sure what it was doing - just processing / activity it looked like.

Rebooted - storj service ok - updater service stopped (no worry with that)

Looks like it’s catching up - jumped from 500mb to 1.20gb… will watch.

Rebooting now to see what happens…

Nice. Just curious. Did it re-generate your log file and databases?

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lol. I think if someone hasn’t yet, they will soon enough. :slight_smile:

Also, it’s very annoying to be limited to posts as a new account when troubleshooting. Maybe consider that (mods) when someone newly registers trying to troubleshoot - lots of messages going back and forth - typically in a panic.

It did. with db and db-wal files (don’t know what the wal files are)

2024-07-12T21:31:18-04:00 INFO piecestore uploaded {“Piece ID”:

Log entries just thos now… seems ok.

Thanks for your TS!

Seems I lost a bit of credibility.

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No problem, Glad you got it working. I know the feeling of a node that won’t start. I’ve broken mine more than I care to admit.

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