"Unlimited" ISP plans

The free Offer is limited to 10 TB Traffic per month. It was ok for 1 or 2 nodes in the past but with the new traffic situation this is obviously not enough.

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This is interesting, I suspect there will be ISPs taking notice of a few of us…
Especially if this becomes the sustained “new normal”.


Yes… I bet a few SNOs will blow out their ISP/VPS data caps this month. But it’s scarier if this isn’t the new normal… because that would mean Storj didn’t find paying customers to sustain the high rates we’ve been testing. I guess we should know in 3 months or so? :crossed_fingers: :pray:

Well then, unlimited is unlimited. To their credit, my ISP, Xfinity, tolerates my consistently over 10TB/month usage for the last few years (storagenode is not the biggest contributor).

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In the UK unlimited is marketing. There is always a “Fair Use Policy” so that you don’t “adversely impact other users”… I see their point, but they don’t advertise the limits of their unlimited… :man_shrugging:t2:

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Way off-topic: I had something similar with an “unlimited traffic” VPS provider:

Provider: We noticed you’re using a lot of data. Too much

Me: How much was I using? And what limit should I try to stay under?

Provider: We won’t tell you what the limit is. And you’d have to set up your own monitoring to know how much you used.

Me: OK, I’ve added traffic-shaping that will cut my usage in half, and reporting to make sure it’s effective.

…[two weeks later]…

Provider: We noticed you’re still using a lot of data. Too much

Me: My own reports showed I did cut my traffic in half. How much more do I have to reduce it?

Provider: We won’t tell you what the limit is.

Me: OK, I’ve reduced it again: now it’s using only 20% of what I was using a couple weeks ago.

…[two weeks later]…

Provider: We noticed you’re still using a lot of data. Too much

Me: Please cancel my plan.

Provider: We’re sorry to see you go. Maybe instead of using our VPS… as a final promotional offer you’d like to try our VPN service for $1 for the first year?

Me: OK, thanks, I’d like to try your VPN.

…[one month later]…

Provider: We’re sending you this email to let you know we’re discontinuing our VPN service…

Me: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?


On a very off topic tangent: unlimited means without limits. Usually this refers to the speed, but is usually followed by an asterisk or very tiny letters in the ToS stating “fair use”. There is nothing wrong with that, it simply means “you can burst up to the full interface speed, but don’t keep it pegged 24/7/365 there, we have other users that need the upstream bandwidth as well”.

What you guys/gals/others are looking for is unmetered. That means that no traffic limit is applied, since there is no metering(=counting) of how much data you move. You can keep the interface pegged at the redline for as long as you want, no questions asked.

I strongly disagree.

From the Cambridge English Dictionary:
" not having a limit or highest possible amount, number or level".
Seems pretty clear to me. You’re playing their game.

I understand their reasons, and they make sense. But it is not “unlimited”.

No, I actually came up with the rules of the game (worked tech at an ISP that owns a couple of underwater cables, not renting from HE or cogent) :wink:.

I think the whole thing gets shut down much easier and earlier, on a non-technical level:- by the acceptable use policy of a residential connection that almost surely prohibits commercial use.

My provider simply says:

Acceptable Use Policy for Xfinity® Internet


  • use the Service for any purpose other than personal and non-commercial residential use (except for your individual use for telecommuting);

But otherwise they explicitly say we can use as much traffic as we want: With the Unlimited Data Option, is there a limit to how much data I can use? - Xfinity Support

The word “fair” does not appear neither in their Acceptable use policy for High Speed Internet, nor Agreement for residential services.

I guess I need to switch back to business internet…

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I don’t know their plans or yours (ie if you have the unlimited option), but your linked AUP says:

4. Data Consumption
What data consumption requirements apply to the Service?
Comcast applies a monthly data consumption threshold to Xfinity Internet accounts. 

If you worked tech then it wasn’t up to you to decide to use misleading words on the product. That’s Marketing’s job.
You’re still kosher in my eyes (I’m sure you’ll sleep a lot better tonight knowing that) :wink:

Yes, this thought had crossed my mind. Not sure that “Business Internet” cuts it either. Even leased lines might fall foul of that.
Let’s just keep schtum, shall we? :wink:

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:rofl: well played :rofl:.

Just want to ask if storj took into consideration that some nodes may drop off the network (if their ISP immediately cuts them off, instead of rate-limiting them) when they go over their cap.

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Perhaps this is another metric they’re looking at. Out of the tens of thousands of nodes, there HAS to be someone having their ears pulled by their ISP by now…

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Yea but there is the risk of hitting the cap early on in the month and being cut off for more than the max days offline and be DQ by the time your connection comes back.

Yes, I have the $30/month “unlimited data”addon.


On non-unlimited Comcast plans there is 1.2TB soft cap, and they charge $10 per 50Gb of overuse, up to $100 max per month. (Which is still cheaper than their business internet btw)

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Business also comes with SLAs, so that’s where the price increases a bit more. Yea, I know that it’s also an opportunity to scalp a few $ more, but techs need to be available when that SLA hits and they may be paid to be on standby, for example.

We had 1h SLAs, what would happen if a hospital called at 3am and their internet(+VOIPs) were out? Techs needed to be sent regardless, the fault should be fixed by 4am, even if a cable was cut. I’ve seen colleagues returning in the morning after working in the rain (yea, under a tent, but it was still windy) in the night, to fix a 2000 line cable.


The world runs on so many people like that, keeping our infrastructure ticking over. It’s awesome!

This chat made me go have a look at my ISP’s AUP. No wonder I like them so much. Just truly sensible.

EDIT: Anyway, back on track…


Wow! This is so refreshing to read! It’s actually written for people and is indeed very sensible. Basically don’t break any laws but otherwise do whatever you want.

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For around the last 6-12 hours… although I’m still seeing high ingress… my space-used has sort of been slowly floating up and down in a narrow range… basically staying flat. I’m not sure how traffic can be coming in so fast but not adding up - I guess trash/TTL deletions must be levelling things out?

Heading to bed now: will be interesting to see if ingress wins over deletes while I’m sleeping… :sleeping: