Update Proposal for Storage Node Operators

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littleskunk, i think this new approach address all 3.

@littleskunk i think this new approach address all 3. here

s-t-o-r-j-user, IT MIGHT be in favor of SNOs, here's how:

@s-t-o-r-j-user IT MIGHT be in favor of SNOs, here’s how: here

BrightSilence, This numbers might ending up with Storj taking over the internet:

@BrightSilence This numbers might ending up with Storj taking over the internet: here
i know the edge service etc, mayby its time for STORj to stop using others, and theirs ways, for marketing leverage, and start being a brand by itself with its OWN solutions of unmatched quality.

Bivvo, This proposal would give You $54/mo for this setup.

@Bivvo This proposal would give You $54/mo for this setup. here

IsThisOn i would like You to look at this proposal

@IsThisOn exactly, “storage has to be as high as possible for nodes not to shutdown” i would like You to look at this proposal, here

SGC, No, not realy,

@SGC No, not realy, it was just a part of the picture and the approach needed, heres full picture

Knowledge, yeah, but no need to reduce supply, with this approach

@Knowledge No need to reduce supply, with this approach, here

JDA, i was thinking the same, so i was figuring out a solution for last 2 days, and its this

@JDA i was thinking the same, so i was figuring out a solution for last 2 days, and this what came out, here

PePeR - "Most of people that showed their calculations here, say they’re not gonna bother running nodes." lest change that, here's how

@PePeR “Most of people that showed their calculations here, say they’re not gonna bother running nodes.” lest change that, heres how

Pentium100, hah i feel You, You got ~ 45TB stored, with this approach You would get ~ $135/mo

@Pentium100 hah i feel You, i see You have got ~ 45TB stored, with this approach i wrote, You would get ~ $135/mo, would like to see Your opinion about it, here