Updates failed | invalid character 'p' after top-level value

See the error messages above, print screens.

It doesn’t work, if the folder "C:\Program Files\Storj" is exist. This is why I suggested to remove it. And do not return config.yaml back, but configure through a wizard, then update with wallet options (if you opted-in).
So, the procedure should be:

  1. Uninstall the storagenode
  2. Move "C:\Program Files\Storj" to some location
  3. Install storagenode using parameters from backed up config.yaml
  4. Update config.yaml with missed parameters.
  5. Return back orders folder
  6. Restart the storagenode
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I had the foder renamed into Storj_bak and moved to another drive. But during installation I got the error message above. Even after a restart.

Please, give me the last 10 lines from the log, after the installation was not succeed

Where do I get the install log? I fear that I have deleted it, if it is saved in the program files\storj folder.

The storagenode.log is still the one of the original install. I do not have any trace of the second installation.

If you removed the Storj folder from the "C:\Program Files" before installation, the log should be in "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode.log"
If you renamed it while files are exist, then you need to reboot to allow Windows to update the filesystem. Otherwise the Storj folder will be still available by the original path.

I have redone the process as per your detailed instructions and it worked.

In my first attempt I did not uninstall the software, I just moved the folder storj. I think there was a misunderstanding there.

Now the node works as well as the autoupdater service.
I still miss to configure correctly Zsync as apparently what I did is not enough: on the dashboard it does not appear the green writing.

You need to explicitly save changes by menu File - Save. Then - restart the service.

It is correctly saved.

Please execute in PowerShell:

sls "operator.wallet-features:" "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml"

Result place between two new lines with three backticks, like this:


It appeared right now! Together with the green “QUIC” which was the second thing I was missing!

Now I have checked the log and the following ERROR appears:

2022-03-06T16:32:44.670+0100 ERROR piecestore:cache error getting current used space: {“error”: “context canceled; context canceled; context canceled; context canceled; context canceled; context canceled; context canceled”, “errorVerbose”: “group:\n— context canceled\n— context canceled\n— context canceled\n— context canceled\n— context canceled\n— context canceled\n— context canceled”}

After the start the storagenode performs a filewalker procedure to calculate actual used space.
This error suggests that your disk is slow to respond.
It’s not fatal, just the used space could be a little bit dated.

Please note that this node still has the issue which we discussed here: link

I never managed to try what you suggested. Too afraid of loosing everything :smiley:

Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml:116:operator.wallet-features: ""
Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml:298:operator.wallet-features: ["zksync"]

Please remove a duplicate entry on line 116

Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml:298:operator.wallet-features: ["zksync"]

Now it looks better.

Do you think that the filewalker will understand that the used space is different and finally I will be able to use the whole disk?

It should. But I think some of your databases may be corrupted.
Could you please check them? https://support.storj.io/hc/en-us/articles/360029309111-How-to-fix-a-database-disk-image-is-malformed-

I have a doubt on how to write the following command:

sqlite3 /path/to/storage/bandwidth.db "PRAGMA integrity_check;"

Since my path is the following:


How should I translate it so that sqlite understands it correctly? Would the following one be the correct way?


Both notations should work.