Updates on Test Data

The flat part is showing the limit of the network and not the limit of your node. We still need some fine tuning. We have to balance 2 objectives. Hit the peak load (=no flat part in the curve) and upload enough data every day to reserve enough capacity. We figured out that we can hit the peak load by increasing the choiceofn factor or increasing the long tail but we can still change these params a few days before it goes live. The other part with reserving enough space requires time. So that has higher priority at the moment. I am still running the math and the data points don’t make sense yet. The dashboard for management is saying the upload rate is too low and we don’t reserve enough space. Our upload tool is saying we are hitting the target. So there could be some hidden bugs that we still need to find. Best case it is just a bug in our math and the dashboard is just off. Worst case the dashboard is correct and we might see some extensive garbage collection. We don’t know yet and while we keep investigating we don’t worry about not hitting the peak load.

Beside that at least some of the target customers have a decent tollerance around the peak load. Imagin the flat part would be 3 hours every day. What would happen on the side of the customers is that the uploads will lag behind. So instead of an fast upload they kind of queue up a bit. Initially just by a few seconds but later we might be talking about minutes. The moment the current load reduces enough the queue will clean up and all files have been uploaded. So we can cut off the peak load to some extend and these customers wouldn’t have a problem with that. Ofc we want to give best service. We are going to communicate with these customers about what we see on our side and how it looks on their side.

We are working on a few plans to increase throughput. One of the plans is that we rent out a few servers ourself to fill the inital gap. So if your nodes can’t take the load we might just add 1000 nodes ourself and wait for the network to keep growing over time. We would reduce this surge capacity over time and don’t intend to run it for long. Just some surge capacity for times of rapid grow.