Updates on Test Data

I forgot to give an update on the test results from yesterday.

It looks like we are already running the RS numbers with the lowest storage expansion factor and the lowest long tail. There isn’t much I can do to make it more efficient without reducing the throughput below our target.

We found out that the more we fill the network with data the lower the throughput will get. It will fall below our target over time. We have some variables that allow us to get the performance above the target again by increasing the long tail or the choiceof factor.

Now our hope is also that by keeping up the load we can motivate more nodes to join the network. At the current rate we would overshoot the required capacity at some point so it is time to change the load pattern to a more dynamic one that hits the target throughput for a few hours per day and reduces it a bit for the rest of the day to match the expected usecases as good as possible. That will be the moment you can start planning to add more nodes :slight_smile: