Updates on Test Data

I believe that a constant input of data for a long time will make SNOs improve their disks and network bandwidth faster and faster. A contract signed with Storj is not a contract signed with SNOs so we have no guarantee of return

This new volume of data is testing, and it is still for a short time. Many like me may have improved their network and disks now, but with little time in the “new normal”, continuing to make improvements will be difficult because we don’t even have 30 days of input volume.

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This is interesting. Ingress fell to zero:

Node is still running, but the logs are only showing GET requests. Audit, suspension scores are 100%, online scores are over 99%. I can understand the tests being stopped, but no uploads at all? No customer is even trying to upload to my node?
Node version is 1.104.5, according to version.storj.io it is the minimum, so it should not be too old.

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Does your node think it’s full (so rejecting all ingress)?

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Yes, I’m an idiot. I knew that the node is soon going to run out of space, I expanded the virtual disk, but did not change the setting in node configuration. And then when traffic stopped I did not look at the dashboard.

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Ticket closed, resolution: PEBCAK :joy:


Hi all, only coming here from time to time. Around 15 days ago I spinned up a new node and am amazed by how quickly it is filling up:
Are we talking about test data only? Or customers data as well? If so do we have a rough idea of the proportions?

So, I’m confused, is this TTLed data you are currently uploading paid or not?

It’s paid.
There was a very small upload that was unpaid at the very start of the test run.


Hello @silaxe,
Welcome back!

There are both. And both are paid. So doesn’t matter for my opinion (I’m a SNO too).

I would like to start a new node, but vetting takes a very long time. I started a new node a week ago. It received a decent amount of data on the first day. Since then, only 40 B ingress per day. The log shows no errors. Sometimes a ‘Download canceled’ appears. But okay.

Is your node full or outdated?

Version 1.104.5 and 178Gb free space

That’s not a lot of space. And how did you measure 40B ingress? That’s not even noise…
Are you sure your numbers are right?
Do you have any more space in your HDD that you could allocate?

In the ingress, I refer to the information provided by the graph. I used a small hard drive that I already had to start the vetting process and to monitor the further development of the traffic. If necessary and worthwhile, I plan to purchase a larger hard drive and transfer the existing data onto it.

Test data for the big part. It’s space reservation for some big customers that might sign with Storj in the comming months.
I have nodes on the same machines, with GE on Saltlake (test sat), and I can easily compare the ingress from clients and test sat.

of your monitoring or at least a router I hope? If the storagenode dashboard, then, well, it’s inaccurate in that version,

Okay, I’ve relied on the dashboard for the past four years and thought it was reliable. I’ll check later if the hard drive might be full. That would of course be an explanation. Thanks for the hint.

It was, but then we decided to optimize it… And then the Community convinced us to revert the change. So, when your node would upgrade, your bandwidth graph usage should be accurate again.

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I checked and you are right… 5 GB are left. Thx for the help


This is the lowest safety check. So, I suppose, your databases are not updated for the current usage. I believe it’s better to fix that on your side.

In general - no problem, because we have this safety check, but your numbers on the piechart likely does not mirror the truth.